
Cryptocureency South Africa social media

We would like to connect with you easily and more often, online and in person, so we have been expanding our cryptocurrency reach and channels. We would love it if you joined us online and at social events to talk about bitcoin and cryptocurrency in South Africa. Our Cryptocurrency social media profiles: Join our Facebook […]

beware crypto scams

What is it about money that brings out the worst in people? There are countless get rich quick schemes on the internet, they have been around since before the internet, and will always be around. Since the invention of bitcoin, we have seen a massive surge in these schemes and scams that have really got […]

SegWit2x Hard Fork

What is the SegWit2x hard fork? This is the highly controversial split of the bitcoin blockchain that miners are wanting to implement. Bitcoin miners will begin running the SegWit2x version of bitcoin which will increase the block size to 2MB, and the block weight to 8MB. This will cause the bitcoin blockchain to be split […]

store bitcoin on an exchange

Every few months you hear of another bitcoin exchange that has been hacked somewhere in the world. There are more and more exchanges, and that means there are a growing number of targets for hackers. Hackers know that exchanges are mostly honey-pots, filled with private user information, and more importantly bitcoin that can be virtually […]

Ledger Nano S

  Buy a Ledger Nano S cryptocurrency wallet The Ledger Nano S is a Bitcoin, Ethereum and Altcoins hardware wallet that connects to any computer (USB). The wallet has a OLED display and two buttons that allow the user to easily confirm transactions. The Ledger Nano S is the successor to the original Ledger Nano […]

How to invest in bitcoin South Africa

The price of bitcoin has been rising steadily over the years, and as it becomes more mainstream, more and more people are eager to invest in the technology.  Long term investors in bitcoin have really benefited from the price increases, and going forward, the future looks very bright. Please also take a look at our […]