South Africa

beware crypto scams

What is it about money that brings out the worst in people? There are countless get rich quick schemes on the internet, they have been around since before the internet, and will always be around. Since the invention of bitcoin, we have seen a massive surge in these schemes and scams that have really got […]

how much does bitcoin cost in South Africa

We are often asked a lot of questions about the price of bitcoin in South Africa. The price of bitcoin is fluid, and is constantly changing 24 hours a day on bitcoin exchanges around the world. Generally people in South Africa use the USD bitcoin price as the ‘international’ bitcoin price, taking that value from […]


Use the SpectroCoin pre-paid bitcoin debit card to spend your bitcoins almost anywhere in South Africa! Use it exactly like a normal debit card that your bank will give you, the only difference is that this one you fund with bitcoin…no banks involved. This is a dream come true for people who have bitcoins and […]

Bitcoin schemes in South Africa

The question of how to ‘join bitcoin’ or ‘invest’ in bitcoin in South Africa, is a common one, usually from someone looking for the next way to make fast money, not from someone genuinely interested in bitcoin, the Blockchain, or crypto currencies in general. (Please also see our articles on Cloud Mining and Mining schemes […]

bitcoin debit card

UPDATE!!! This is an old post, there is a NEW post about a bitcoin debit card that works in South Africa here: The information below is OLD an no longer applies to South Africa.   A bitcoin debit card allows users to spend their bitcoins anywhere that VISA or Mastercard are accepted as a […]