BlockcypherThis post will show you how to get free SMS alerts of bitcoin wallet transactions within minutes of the transaction taking place.

You will get email and also SMS notification on your mobile of any payment sent or received on the wallet address that you want to monitor. The SMS is only possible if you are using Gmail for the email as the script that sends the SMS is monitoring your Gmail account.

Setting up the email notification of bitcoin transactions

In order to do this, you need to sign up for a account at the AWESOME website called Block Cypher: The email address you have used on blockcypher to sign up with, needs to be your Gmail address. (@blockcypher)

Once you are in your account on, you can ‘subscribe’ to a wallet address by going to this page: The subscribe page will ask for the wallet address that you want to get email alerts for. You can use bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin or URO wallet addresses here, so you are not limited to bitcoin only. You can add a bunch of different addresses that you want to subscribe to, and Blockcypher will email when any of them have any activity on them.

Now that you have subscribed to updates via email for the addresses, you can begin to setup the SMS notification.

You will need to follow all the instructions in order to get the SMS notification of emails

You will need to login to your Gmail account, and then open Google Calendar. When the Google calendar is open, click the cog on the top right, and then choose “Settings” from the dropdown menu, to open the Calendar Settings panel. Once that page is open, click the “Mobile Setup” tab at the top, to setup your mobile phone. Enter your country and phone number, and Google will send you an SMS to verify your number. Use the code in the SMS on the screen to complete the verification. In the Event reminders panel, choose SMS notification for the reminder so that Google will SMS you now that your number is verified.

You will then need to click on this Google doc, to copy it into your Google docs:

Click Yes to make a copy of the document in your Google drive. Once you have copied it, click on “Tools” at the top, then select “Script Editor” from the dropdown menu. The script that you should see will look like this:

function SMSALERT()
var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName(‘SMSALERT’);
var threads = label.getThreads();
var now = new Date().getTime();
var cal=getCalendar();

for(i in threads)

cal.createEvent(threads[i].getFirstMessageSubject()+”: “+threads[i].getMessages()[0].getFrom(),new Date(now+60000),
new Date(now+60000)).removeAllReminders().addSmsReminder(0);

Logger.log(“Error Occured”+ err.toString());

function getCalendar()

var cal=CalendarApp.getOwnedCalendarsByName(“SMSALERT”)[0];

if (!cal)
return cal;

return cal;
Logger.log(“Error Occured”+ e.toString());


On this page, you must click on “Resources” tab at the top, then click on “Current project trigers“. You will then be able to select “SMSALERT” from the dropdown menu, then in the events menu, select “Time-driven“, then select “Minutes” from the next menu, then “Every minute” from the last menu. Now you click the “Save” button, and then the “Authorize” button. A popup window will appear, click the “Grant access” button to allow the scrypt access to your calendar and Gmail.

Now that you have setup the notification, you need to let the scrypt know when to run. Go back to your Gmail account, and click the cog on the top right, and choose “Settings” from the dropdown menu. On your settings page, click the tab for “Filters“, and once all your filters are showing, click the link on the bottom to “Create new filter“.

When the popup box appears for the specifications for your filter, put the following email address into the “From” field: [email protected], then click the “Create filter with this search” link on the bottom right of the box. On the next screen check the box to “Apply the label” and click the “Create a new label” button. Type the name “SMSALERT” (it is case sensitive) and then click “Create“, then click the “Create filter” button.

From now onward, you will get SMS notification of any emails sent to you from [email protected]. The SMS will let you know that a transaction has taken place on an address you are monitoring, and it will show the first half of the address. It gets this information from the subject line of the email that sends you.

This information was taken almost directly from the following video by Technoideas, and applied to the email notifications. @technoideaz

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